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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Organic babies booming

Report: Cameron Wilson
One Tasmanian company that has focussed on producing organic food for babies is also reporting a boost in sales.Bellamy's Organics has seen a 28 per cent rise in business over the last six months. The company is based in Launceston and owns the largest organic apple orchard in the southern hemisphere at Paramatta Creek.Bellamy's Organics co-founder Dooley Crighton says it's parents concern for their babies that's driving the growth. "I think there there is so much more awareness with environmental concerns and what's put on our food, the taste factor of the food, that there is a lot more awareness and education through the media."
In this report: Dooley Crighton, co-founder Ballamy's Organics

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What this is saying to the growers of this country is that consumers are well and truly concerned about the health implications of GM as well as other additives that the multinational companies are force feeding us.

We don't want additives. We don't want GM. We don't want misdirected stupidity within the government to force feed us potential hazardous food.

We have made a choice and that is "We will now buy Organic if you try to force-feed us what you think is safe". We know it's not! There is clear evidence that GM is not safe. The farmers and government should be listening to the voice of the consumer that is getting louder as they wake up to their own health and the implications of what we eat.
