The ALC wrote to all of its members and contacts (over 1000 recipients) regarding the mandate on the 23rd March 07. This letter also requested input re advising the ALC on key priorities they believed the new national strategy should cover as well as asking them to send to the ALC any relevant information on their own strategic plans for the future.
The ALC issued a questionnaire on the 6th June again to all of its members and contacts asking them specific questions regarding strategic programs or projects they may have running in their own organisations so that the ALC could be aware of these key initiatives as feeders into the national strategy
On the 24th July the ALC announced an invitation to the Industry to attend one of the Strategy Consultation Workshops being run by the ALC around Australia. The first workshop was held at the VTA in Port Melbourne on the 8th August. So far we have also gone to Dandenong, Mt Gambier, Walkerville, QLD CBD, Townsville, Sydney CBD and Mascot. Over the next 5 weeks we will also be going to Hobart,
Launceston, Darwin, Fremantle, Canberra, Dubbo and Newcastle. The workshops finish on the 12th October. (Willard Estate Logistics attended and contributed to the Launceston workshop).
* The proposed Key Themes of:
* Leadership of the Industry
* Human Capital
* Rules and Regulation
* Infrastructure and Planning
* Energy and the Environment
* The Future of the Industry
have been workshopped at each session to identify whether they are appropriate themes to have within the new strategy and if they are, what the priority actions and initiatives are for those themes that the industry needs to progress over the next 5+ years.
Common threads are emerging at each workshop such as:
* the need to progress harmonisation of industry rules and regulations (as well as to identify the cost of de-harmonised rules and regulations),
* the need for a national 15yr+ Infrastructure Plan that addresses the needs of all transport modes and components of Supply Chains
* the need for intensive industry communication strategies (in terms of industry branding, career attraction and retention
* the need for the industry to take the lead in researching and taking a leadership role in terms of the environment, what the industry impact is terms of carbon emissions and our use of alternative energy sources
* the need for a single voice to represent the industry which takes into account the needs of all transport modes as well as state, local and regional priorities
the need to review apprenticeships and traineeships on offer within the industry and how to manage more effectively the cross-over points between schools, TAFE’s, universities and potential employers
Willard Estate Logistics will report more on the National Transport and Logistics Strategy – ‘T&L2012’ as more the process progresses and as news comes to hand.
1 comment:
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