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Current Fuel Surcharge


Thursday, September 27, 2007


The ships that service the AAA run (Singapore to Bell Bay to Singapore) are falling further and further behind and I am sure that I echo all of the Tasmanian Exporters and Importers who use this service in saying that we are sick to death of the delays. It would be nice for me to be able to write that a solution is close to hand and that we will soon see a return to fixed day sailings that are published at the beginning of each month but the reality is that we are at the mercy of the current situation. I am aware that there is much talk behind the scenes and that omitting ports has been a tool to try and make up time, but the reality is that the only vessel that is currently keeping to its published schedule is the Sinotrans Shanghai. Weather, berthing issues, congestion, and increased volumes (thus more time at the wharf working the ship) are all valid reasons for delays and are indeed the reason for the late arrivals and departures. We continue to be vocal in our disappointment to the shipping lines and encourage them to work towards a fixed weekly service for Tasmania. Whilst it is of little consolation, the same situations are being experienced in many ports in Australia and indeed the world.

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